WWII Porno-Propaganda

The first item was a two-page folding leaflet. Its theme was the Kaisers Germany's patriotic song " The Watch on the Rhine". A very gloomy picture of a snow covered grave somewhere on the Russian front, headed the first verse of the Watch on the Rhine:
Lieb vaterland magst ruhig sein _ ( dear fatherland you may rest assured )
By rights that inspiring thought would be followed by a second verse.
Fest steht und treu die Wacht am Rhein _ ( Firm stands true the watch on the Rhine.)
Instead, the picture of the soldiers grave and its reassuring caption was followed by a second page overleaf showing in colour a picture of a naked girl, painted in the style favored by Adolf Hitler in such beloved pictures as "Leda and the Swan" about to seat herself on the upright penis of some dark haired and dark skinned non-German.
The Caption read: "Fest steckt's und treu der Fremdarbeiter rein."
(" Firmly sticks it and true the foreign worker in").
Another article with many more examples
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