More Muhammed Cartoon Controversy in Scandinavia

Fears grew of a new confrontation over images deemed blasphemous by Muslims as Pakistan joined Iran in protest over a sketch by a Swedish artist portraying the prophet Mohammed as a dog.
The publication, in the newspaper Nerikes Allehanda, came after several galleries had refused to display the drawings, apparently for fear of violent retaliation from offended Muslims.
Early last year, violent demonstrations erupted throughout the Muslim world after the publication in Denmark of 12 cartoons of the Prophet Mohamed which were also deemed blasphemous.
"Alongside the picture, we published a comment piece saying that it was serious that there is self-censorship among exhibition [galleries]," said the Nerikes Allehanda editor-in-chief, Ulf Johansson.
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After reading of this in the Daily Mail I vow to support the paper (Nerikes Allehanda) in any way I can.
I am glad someone has the courage to stand for whats right no matter the consequences.
I salute you and stand with you.
var för gör du så du vet inte ens hur an ser ut. Va tror du att när muslimerna titta på den bilden va tror du de kommer att göra ????
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